张惠鑫 在公共英语教学中引入影视作品欣赏的教学方案设计
论文编辑部-新丝路理论网   2021-05-27 09:09:33 作者: 来源: 文字大小:[][][]


西北大学  陕西西安  710127)












四、实例教案(以Modern Family S1E01 为例)

Class Type:Audio-visual course

Teaching Contents:Watching Modern Family S1E01 and acquiring some knowledge.

Teaching Objectives:

1.Knowledge Objectives:

Extend vocabulary.E.g.outfit;banister;penalty;Vietnam;thrilled;surrogate...

Listen pronunciation from native speakers and try to imitate.

ƒAcquire some slangs and authentic expressions.E.g.“way”means“very”;Come on;tell sb off;be fooled by;give sb a speech…

2.Ability Objective:Grasp the meanings and usages of new words,slangs and expressions.Not only memorize them but also encourage students to use them is real life.

3.Emotional Objective:

Students are excepted to have a better understanding to some culture differences between China and America that are appeared in the first episode.E.g.The partnership culture about“LGBT”group overseas;Baby adoption polices,etc.

Students are also excepted to find some society values that are shared by both China and America.

Teaching Key Points:vocabulary;slangs;expressions;pronunciation features,cultures,traditions;etc.

Teaching Aids:Computer and projector in the classroom.

Step1:Lead in

Introduce the show briefly and arouse interest:Modern Family tells the story of three different American families:a couple of ordinary parents and three children,two gays partners who just adopted a little girl from Vietnam,a 60-year-old man married a hot Colombian exotic beauty,who also has a 11-year-old son.

Step2:Pre-watching and pre-listening

The teacher show the ppt slide which present the characters’relationship and explain to students,just in case they are confused about this.

Step3:While-watching and while-listening(Activities)

Activity 1:Play the episode for 5 minutes and ask students watch it very carefully.After watching the first 5 minutes,ask 2 students about what the caught from the clip,it can be a new word or something else.

Activity 2:Show students the ppt slide with new words and phrases appeared in the 5 minutes clip and ask students to take notes.

Activity 3:Play the next 5-minute clip,ask these questions ahead.

How did they punish Luke because he accidently“shot”his sister with  the toy gun?

Why don’t Mitch like the new paint on the nursery room?

Activity 4:Play the rest of the episode and ask students to take notes while watching.

Step 4:Post- watching and post-listening

By the end of the episode,invite 3 students to share what they’ve got and talk about their feelings about certain characters.(In English)

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Make a brief summary and ask students to watch the next episode in private and also make their notes.Hand in their homework to the teacher’s e-mail by the end of the week.Next class teacher should give feedbacks to the students and invite several students to summarize episode 2.






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李 彬 以司法行政改革 
冯志军 戚叶雯 张  
魏明英 避税与反避税探 
靳利华 中俄毗邻区域生 
卿 红 基于宪法思维的 

覃俊丽 公益助学类社会 
蒲一帆 讲好中国扶贫故 
吴化杰 张瑞敏 “后扶 
周荣 昆明市巩固提升脱 
崔国鹏 三大行动背景下 
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