Mast Cell Stabilizing,Antianaphylactic and Antihistaminic Activity of Coccinia grandis Fruits in Asthma
论文编辑部-新丝路理论网   2011-10-27 11:03:02 作者:中华医学之家:http://www.xinxi85.com 来源: 文字大小:[][][]

Mast Cell Stabilizing,Antianaphylactic and Antihistaminic Activity of Coccinia grandis Fruits in Asthma

中国天然药物 , Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines,
编辑部邮箱 , 2011年05期 【作者】 Dnyaneshwar J Taur; Ravindra Y Patil;

【Author】 Dnyaneshwar J Taur1,Ravindra Y Patil21Department of Pharmacognosy,SVPM’s College of Pharmacy,Malegaon(bk),Baramati-413115,Maharashtra,India;2Department of Pharmacognosy,PDEA’s SU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Center,Kharadi,Pune-411014,Maharashtra,India

【机构】 Department of Pharmacognosy,SVPM’s College of Pharmacy,Malegaon(bk),Baramati-413115,Maharashtra,India; Department of Pharmacognosy,PDEA’s SU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Center,Kharadi,Pune-411014,Maharashtra,India;

【摘要】 Coccinia grandis Linn(Curcubitaceae) is a climber herb cultivated throughout India.In traditional medicine fruits have been used to treat leprosy,fever,asthma,bronchitis and jaundice.In present study,ethanol extract of C.grandis fruit(ECGF) at 100,125 and 150 mg·kg-1,i.p.,was evaluated for mast cell stabilizing,antianaphylactic and antihistaminic activity using egg albumin induced mast cell degranulation in mice;passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in rats and clonidine induced catalepsy in mice respec... 更多还原

【Abstract】 Coccinia grandis Linn(Curcubitaceae) is a climber herb cultivated throughout India.In traditional medicine fruits have been used to treat leprosy,fever,asthma,bronchitis and jaundice.In present study,ethanol extract of C.grandis fruit(ECGF) at 100,125 and 150 mg·kg-1,i.p.,was evaluated for mast cell stabilizing,antianaphylactic and antihistaminic activity using egg albumin induced mast cell degranulation in mice;passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in rats and clonidine induced catalepsy in mice respec... 更多还原
【关键词】 Coccinia grandis; Allergy; Asthma; Clonidine; Mast cell degranulations;
【Key words】 Coccinia grandis; Allergy; Asthma; Clonidine; Mast cell degranulations;



联系电话:029--85327298     主编QQ693891972  


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